Having ascertained the scope of the project and which direction to take we set about our respective tasks. Shamim had already begun to research the drag and drop technique, so he continued to develop a match the flags French exercise for Year 7. I decided to do a writing exercise for the same age group, so I took on the food French exercise.
We have already designed some initial mock ups of the exercises, and began to now build them in Flash. In building the writing exercise, I initially used arrays to pull in the picture content. Only after further training in XML was I able to finalise the exercise with adaptations to accomodate the XML.
We carried out some testing with other people and other versions of Flash. Here were the findings, which we implemented:
On the writing exercise -
*When you click on the check button and have got the answer right, the next arrow should flash, to encourage the user to go onto the next question.
*There should be a results page at the end with all the possible correct answers.
*A moving cursor and a border around the instructions, so it doesn't look interactive.
Match them up exercise -
*To make the text and flags larger.
*To adjust the actionscript so that it is not possible to drop 2 flags on top of eachother.
*To have some feedback on how well they are doing.