Saturday, January 06, 2007

Flash Creative Brief

Towards the end of the Christmas term we were given our Flash briefs. I am in a team with Shamim and we have been given a brief from Sequence. This is quite a challenging brief as it requires us to adapt some exercises from DHTML into Flash, drawing the content from XML files. As both Shamim and I have limited previous experience in Flash, and XML is completely new to us, this was going to be a fast learning curve. We have been asked to adapt some exercises from the website: . By creating some of these exercises in Flash 8, and using the XML files, it is hoped that we would develop an authoring template, whereby future adapations of existing exercises into Flash would be build using this template.

One of our first questions to Phil Murphy at Sequence would be are they also asking for a CMS, as mentioned on the brief. Also, the scope of the project is needed to be narrowed down as there are hundreds of language exercises on the website, and we need to check which ones they would like us to build.