Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Beginnings

I just have started a course as an Interactive Media trainee. This will be an intensive 6 months learning curve, but I hope that it will give me a solid background to interactive media, and the tools to develop and design on the web.

After yesterday's induction, we have now launched into the course with an overview of 'What is Multimedia'. This gave snapshots of the key developments and history of the interactive media industry, much of which is largely fresh and new to me. I look forward to going into more depth and having intensive training not only on Dreamweaver and Flash, but also 3D software such as Maya.

I learned how the web has been developing more recently, with emphasis on video applications and how this has expanded to mobile phones. It is interesting to think around the usability issues of developments in video and the web, such as the short attention span of users when viewing a small screen such as on the mobile phone.

Also, thinking through the implications of a 2-tier web, with the potential of payment for some of what the web has to offer. This has accessibility issues as well as the impact of excluding some users from the interactive experience on the web.

I know it will be an intensive 6 months, but I am looking forward to the variety of input we will have. We also get to check out some places in the industry, starting with a trip to S4C.